About Us
Growing vibes starts out with tragedy in December 2020 we suddenly lost our youngest of 6, one of our twins Ryker Dean very suddenly 6 days after they turned 2. It was only after autopsy we even found out why (undiagnosed electrolyte imbalance).
Since birth his nickname has been Star or RykeStar.
It was life shattering to say the very least. When we went through the 2 years worth of pictures our hearts were crushed but we did notice that Ryker always had rainbows on him. So I decided to use gemstones with glass globes to create what I call "Ryker's Rainbows Suncatchers." At the time it was giving me something to transmute my deep grief, keeping me busy (I'm a recovering alcoholic as well 3-9-19) plus I decided to sell them to raise money for Ryker's custom star shaped headstone.
Then I started making bracelets, but not just any bracelets, I was custom picking my favorite gemstones, creating designs using silver plated hematite stars...that spiraled into mala beading almost anything I can create.
You see I've always been a crystal collector since I was a kid, and when Ryker I really leaned on my spirituality, crystals have helped me immensely.
Houseplants and gardening were one of my favorite things to do during covid and I leaned on them again during my loss.
I decided I had to name this all something, I didn't want it completely crystals or plants, so I came up with Growing Vibes.
Who knows where I grow from here! Follow me on FB, Insta, and TikTok!!
Here’s Ryker helping momma with her plants 🌱 and of course Rory right behind him.